Stefan Schmiedl wrote:
> Dale,
> Friday, April 13, 2012, 10:35:43 PM, you wrote:
>>> I have ran into a issue here.  I copied everything over to sdb, my temp
>>> drive.  When I try to boot it, it still boots from sda which is the
>>> primary drive.  I can not get it to boot from the copy.  I did update
>>> the fstab file to point to the new sdb partitions, I use labels for that
>>> and they have different names.  I also edited grub and told it root was
>>> sdb2.  When I boot, everything mounted is sda.
>>> Those are from the copy.  Here is grub:
>>> title=Initramfs-new_drive
>>> root (hd0,0)
>>> kernel /bzImage-3.3.1-1 root=/dev/sdb2 init=/sbin/init nox
>>> initrd /initramfs-3.3.1-1-tmp.img
> if you want to boot from /dev/sdb, why do you tell grub
> to use (hd0,0), which usually maps to /dev/sda1?
> I'd expect to see root (hd1,0) in there somewhere.
> Depending on boot flags and BIOS settings, you might still
> be using the MBR on /dev/sda.
> When I migrated a client's data over to a new disk a while
> ago, I basically used "tar cf - /sda | tar xf - -C /sdb" and
> then switched SATA cables before rebooting. The former /dev/sdb
> became /dev/sda and everything was fine.
> s.
>>> I have done this in the past and it worked but not now.  Is this the
>>> init thingy mounting sda stuff and then Gentoo carries on from there?
>>> If so, how do I tell the init thingy to point to sdb stuff?
>>> Thoughts?
>>> Dale
>>> :-)  :-)
> D> OK.  I thought of something else to try.  I created a new grub entry.
> D> This is a plain entry with no init thingy at all.  It looks like this:
> D> title Gentoo no init tmp drive
> D> kernel (hd0,0)/bzImage-3.3.1-1 root=/dev/sdb2 nox
> D> Simple but it still boots the sda drive instead of the sdb drive.  What
> D> am I missing here?  I looked in dmesg, the root=/dev/sdb2 line is in
> D> there so grub passes it on.
> D> This is weird.  I need ideas folks.  I'm running out of things to try.
> D> Dale
> D> :-)  :-)

I tried changing the root line and it still booted sda.  Also, note that
I also tried a grub entry that doesn't even have a root line.  It just
points directly to sdb.

>From what I have always been told, the root line points to grub not the
root partition of the OS.  Those are two different things.  Correct me
if I am wrong here.  That's the way I have always been told.

I'm using grub legacy here.


:-)  :-)

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how you interpreted my words!

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