On Fri, 14 March 2014, at 12:41 pm, Guido Budack <gla...@yandex.com> wrote:

> … a couple of recently downloaded files (f.e. Ubunto Studio, some smaller 
> files I need for web-development etc pp) and the hashes are correct. (md5 as 
> is sha...). … 
> However is it interesting that I downloaded the files now 2 times and they 
> have all incorrect hashes. 
> … 
> I used (like posted before) wget as the download-client and had in the whole 
> time of download 3 retries.
> Actually I am located deep into Asia (PH) and I am using a more or less slow 
> WLAN_Stick as my line to the web.

When you downloaded this image twice and got incorrect hashes, did you get the 
_same_ wrong hash, or _different_ wrong hashes?

This dvd .iso file is pretty large - far larger than you need for your 
installation media - and I can only speculate that it's something to do with 
the size. Maybe, after 4GB, the ISP redirects to a webpage saying "you're 
taking the mickey with your download limits, pal" and that's what's causing the 

I have no idea why you're bothering with this - I'd just download 
systemrescueCD (which is over a year newer, anyway) and get on with my install. 
Once Gentoo is downloaded, each emerge will md5sum each package's download 
automatically and if the problem really is with your system or RAM, then you'll 
know about it pretty quick.


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