So, after some additional tries I (again) hashed against a couple of recently 
downloaded files (f.e. Ubunto Studio, some smaller files I need for 
web-development etc pp) and the hashes are correct. (md5 as is sha...). So far 
are the mentioned 'hardware-faults' totally abstruse and further not topic 
related comments unwanted.
My intentions are clear- I want to install a minimalistic yet powerful OS 
(namely Gentoo Linux) where I work 85% of the time at the command-line and 
configure everything 'by hand'.
If that sounds 'masochistic' to some kind people who replied to me in the past 
well, then i am one :-).
I'd probably give Slackware a try too but I am totally away from 'proprietary 
stuff' and try as far as I can to avoid software what 'isn't GPL' or similar...

However is it interesting that I downloaded the files now 2 times and they have 
all incorrect hashes.
Before making any assumptions of the worst-case (like manipulation on the 
transport-way or similar) I'd like to bother the community once more with my 
matters and ask for help.
Probably I really did something wrong but I can't imagine that and tested all 
multiple times.

I used (like posted before) wget as the download-client and had in the whole 
time of download 3 retries.
Actually I am located deep into Asia (PH) and I am using a more or less slow 
WLAN_Stick as my line to the web.

Any suggestions?

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