Alan McKinnon <alan.mckinnon <at>> writes:

> On 09/07/2014 18:44, James wrote:
> > Stroller <stroller <at>> writes:
> > 
> > 
> >> Please don't use pastebin sites - if your output is too long to copy and
> > paste into the body of the message,
> >> then please attach it as a plain text file. If you name it output.txt then
> > most people, with GUI mail
> >> clients, will be able to read it just by double-clicking.
> > 
> >> Most pastebin services expire old pastes periodically (not to mention that
> > pastebin services are hardly
> >> profitable, and close down all the time) whereas these mailing list
> > messages are archived in multiple
> >> places and are referenced for years. 
> > 
> >> If you attach these files as plain text then they'll be archived, useful
> > to other people with the same
> >> problem in the future.
> > 
> > I'll agree, this is excellent advise. However, I use to read
> > and post to gentoo-user. So how do you attached a txt file to
> > those postings via gmane? Options to get the txt file attachemnent into the 
> > proper record?
> gentoo-user is a mailing list. It receives mail to the list address and
> forwards them on to all subscribers. It's all done by mail.
> Now someone has built an email<->web_thingy gateway. It is deficient by
> design and as you point out doesn't do big posts AT ALL.
> That's too bad, but you chose that option and now you must deal with
> it's deficiencies and shortcomings.
> Sorry for the tone but that really is how it is.

What tone? You call that "tone" ? You're slipping..... been to 
too many 'team' meetings lately?   

Agreeded; just pointing it out. I find gmane too useful so
I tend to prune and post succinctly. Rarely do I need to put
up a big long post. But I do read and snip before posting;
so my approach is a valid as any..... focus, snip and post goes
a long way, but it does require some reading and editing skills,
just to set the record straight. Noobs can follow who they like,
as they like, when they like....

When needed I just use an  nntp font end...... (oh, had my own
solution already?)   tricky; precious; tricky........

You're slipping, you old_fart ?


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