On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 6:41 AM, Volker Armin Hemmann <
volkerar...@googlemail.com> wrote:

>  Am 17.09.2014 um 23:42 schrieb Mark David Dumlao:
> On Sep 18, 2014 5:36 AM, "James" <wirel...@tampabay.rr.com> wrote:
> >
> > Mark David Dumlao <madumlao <at> gmail.com> writes:
> >
> >
> > > > Publish perfomanced metrics; Choice; Unreasonable?
> > > The classic open source answer to being told to do a lot of
> > > work on publicly available data is
> >
> > I'm sorry, I must have missed your link to the published data?
> > Sure it exist and I have just missed it?
> >
> >
> Make it yourself you entitled dickwad. this is what you get for being
> polite to idiots.
> well, you claim there is data. So provide at least a set of search terms
> to find it.
There is the code and his system, and it's all the data he needs.

> Also some comparism of code size systemd vs init+ lets say metalog.
> Also, some explanation why it is a good idea to read the kernel command
> line and reuse commands from there. Like 'debug'.

You're just as bad as him. No seriously, people like to talk about how high
the signal to noise ratio of the gentoo mailing list is, and it would be
much higher if not for trolls like you putting in so much noise and
distraction. Canek has been patient as all heck for so many years now, even
down to the point of manning up and providing public ebuilds for systemd
integration, even an overlay that allowed sysvinit and systemd to integrate
better, while you naysayers whine more and more about how he practically
doesn't cook breakfast for you. Separating init functions from openrc?
Canek's helped a big deal with that. It's a disgrace and you really ought
to be ashamed of yourself for harassing someone who _actually provided
code_ while you just piled more and more bullshit on his plate.

And now here he is again, being patient to a fault, pointing out that one
of the excuses we've seen again, and again, and again, and again hoisted on
him - that Linus doesn't like something therefore its bad - is actually
false, again providing sources to back up what he's saying while you piddle
your Unix plattitudes, and now what? Harass him to do even more unpaid
research again?

I hate to see people abused like this. He won't swear so I'm going to do it
for him since I've gotten sick of this circle-jerking mailing list.

Stop being a jerk and acting like it's cool.

He wants data? It's not hard to produce it. Install systemd and sysvinit
side by side (something Canek helped become possible), boot once to openrc
and boot another to systemd. If there's no difference, YOU publish it and
be open to public scrutiny, not him.
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