On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 7:11 AM, James <wirel...@tampabay.rr.com> wrote:

> Mark David Dumlao <madumlao <at> gmail.com> writes:
> > You're the only one in this thread that's imposing on everyone
> > to produce anything. You're the only one in this thread that
> > SHOULD be producing anything. That's how open source works and
> > that's how it's supposed to work. We're not your unpaid researchers.
> I'm sorry, Volker pointed out that the pro systemd folks came to
> gentoo-user, waiving linux's dirty panties around. We ask a few
> simple questions, now you result to name calling?

There is no "gentoo-user separate from pro systemd folks". You made that
up. "pro systemd folks" have been part of gentoo user for years and years
now, and they've been harassed repeatedly with "simple" loaded questions
based on wrong assumptions for years and years now.

You know all those bits I mentioned to Volker about people getting FHS
wrong, or not bothering to read man pages, or not giving a crap what an
"init thingy" was and throwing public tantrums on it? I didn't make those
up. They're here, on this list, and I've had to wade in that crap for a few
years, and even in those threads where I only intended to give practical
advice like "if you want to load udev earlier, you could write an init
script for it..." or something to that effect. Only to be heaped by
plateful after plateful of vitriolic, _technically empty_ crap and
callbacks to Unix platitudes half the sayers don't even understand that

Fact of the matter is systemd isn't "invading gentoo", it's part of it now,
and has been for quite a while. All those big changes many people have been
sore about on this list could have been turned into complete non-problems
if we took all the smart-brains time spent arguing this point to instead
write integration packages the way Canek did.
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