On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 11:40 AM, Alec Ten Harmsel <a...@alectenharmsel.com>

> On 09/17/2014 10:40 PM, Mark David Dumlao wrote:
> > Fact is if it's _you_ that seems to give a tweet about systemd speed,
> > so it's on _you_ to measure it, I don't really care what you think. The
> > fact that you think pid1's speed or resource usage might be a big deal
> > is very indicative on how badly informed you are in the first place.
> I don't care about systemd speed. I really am completely ambivalent
> about PID1; I've run Upstart, I've run systemd, I've run OpenRC, and
> they all work fine. All I'm saying is that a common point in the systemd
> community seems to be its awesome performance (unless I'm reading the
> wrong documentation and conversations), and burden of proof is on the
> party making the claim.

The thing is, that's a strawman. Volker is outright delusional about
systemd people breaking into his threads and forcefeeding him Lennart facts
like "systemd is faster". It's the exact opposite. Every time a systemd
thread comes up, here come the anti-fanboys whining about "well why should
_i_ use it? because it's _faster_?" as if we gave a crap that he did.

The burden of proof is on the party making the claim, but almost nobody is
making the claim -to him-. The fact that he thinks systemd's speed is
important already betrays how biased and narrow his thinking is on the
topic. Most people don't even bother with bootup speeds that cut a few
seconds off. Heck I tried to tweak my boot process with systemd and I had a
hard time getting _even_ with Ubuntu. Generally we care more about the fact
that services have actual dependencies, are written declaratively, can be
executed exactly as upstream recommends, don't have magic code hacks, are
automatically cgrouped and thus have all child processes guaranteed killed
on service down, that logs and STDOUT are tracked and searchable in the
journal, etc etc etc. Every single one of those matters more than bootup
speed, but yeah, we heard somewhere that you can tweak parallel boots to be
faster or something.

Point is he's trying to paint the picture that systemd folks rattle on and
on about its speed, but they don't. And now _we_ have to prove it? Most of
the time we're not even the ones making the claim. It's like a McD fanboy
asking a BK fan to prove that their burgers are healthier than Big Macs...
might be true, might be false, heck either company probably has info
confirming it, but it's probably the last thing on the BK fan's mind and
he's confused that it's even ever brought up.
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