Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Thu, 20 Dec 2018 15:13:37 -0600, Dale wrote:
>> I don't think it would help.  It's the speed that is the problem. It was
>> almost impossible to read anything with my old CPU. It's nothing but a
>> blur with this new one.  Mostly, I saw red letters and what looked like
>> the word "error". 
> Record a video of the screen while booting and play it back in slow
> motion. It's low tech but it works with all errors, even those from
> GRUB ;-)

The only video camera I have is one built into my still picture camera. 
I can tell you, it ain't much resolution wise.  It might help but at the
speed things are scrolling up and how basic that camera's video function
is, I don't know.  Might be worth a shot tho. 

What gets me, error or not, the system is running fine.  I haven't
noticed anything not working either.  No clue what it could be.  I got
another part coming in tomorrow so I'll likely have to shutdown in the
next couple days.  I'm just about ready to start rearranging my hard
drives and such.

While at it.  I have most of my hard drives in front of the large 230mm
front fan in my case.  I have a Cooler Master HAF 932.  One drive is up
on the top part, no fan there but it has plenty of air holes and a tiny
amount of air gets sucked in and over the drive(s).  The drive runs at
86F.  My other drives that are in front of that fan runs a little
cooler, 77F.  That little bit warmer won't affect the life of the drive
will it?  From what I've read, some run just fine even when over 100F. 
Just checking.  If needed, I can get a fan mounted in there somehow.  I
have to say, I like the cooling on this case.  Those large fans can move
some air. 



:-)  :-) 

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