Grant Edwards wrote:
> On 2024-05-28, Dale <> wrote:
>> Grant Edwards wrote:
>>> On 2024-05-21, Dale <> wrote:
>>>>> Here's my udev rules file that defines my network interface names
>>>>> for the machine I'm on at the moment:
>>>>> ------------------/etc/udev/rules.d/70-my-persistent-net.rules-----------------------
>>>>> SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", ATTR{address}=="2c:f0:5d:6f:10:af", 
>>>>> NAME="net0"
>>>>> SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", ATTR{address}=="00:1b:21:b1:d1:e9", 
>>>>> NAME="net1"
>>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Got a little busy with my garden.  Found my first zucchini yesterday. 
>> Ready to pick in a few days.  Found some small tomatoes too.  Anyway. 
>> Did manage to create this rule tho.  This look reasonable?  I'm thinking
>> it should be named something else tho.  It could clash with the usual
>> name. 
>> # PCI device 0x11ab:0x4363 (Intel e1000e)
>> #SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*",
>> ATTR{address}=="68:05:ca:42:17:39",ATTR{dev_id}=="0x0", ATTR{type}=="1",
>> KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="enp3s0"
> Did my examples (with the MAC addresses and device names changed) not
> work?
>> I got the ATTR address from ifconfig.  I'm not real sure on the other
>> ATTR variables tho.
> I don't use the other other ATTRs, ACTION, DRIVERS, or KERNEL and I
> don't know why you added them, so I can't comment.
> --
> Grant

Well, I found one with google and sort of went by that.  Now that I read
yours again, yours makes more sense, from what little I know.  o_O

Is ATTR address the same as Mac address?  If so, why not have the same
names for all tools????  How's this look?

SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", ATTR{address}=="68:05:ca:42:17:39", 

I gave it a different name this time.  I'm assuming I'd need to reboot to test 
this or is restarting udev enough?? 

Dang it's humid outside.  I feel like I need diving gear out there so I can 
breathe.  O_O 


:-)  :-)  

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