Dale wrote:
> Dr Rainer Woitok wrote:
>> Dale,
>> On Tue, 4 Jun 2024 04:36:41 -0500 you wrote:
>>> ...
>>> I read the thread linked to by the OP.  I just wonder if waiting a
>>> little longer would have helped.
>> Did nobody of ye all ever read news item 48, dated 2024-05-09?   It laid
>> out a three-step approach  which surely caused at least some packages to
>> be built twice  or even three times,  but it JUST WORKED (tm),  at least
>> here.  It only required creating and later updating a file in "/etc/por-
>> tage/package.use/" and then running
>>    emerge --depclean ; emerge -UD @world
>> for each of the three steps.
>> Dale, in a previous post you shared a rather long list of packages which
>> you classified not to be  Python 3.12 ready.   This list contained "sys-
>> apps/portage"!  This just can't be!  From my 1060 installed packages ex-
>> actly ONE package  required the  "python_targets_python3_11" USE flag to
>> be set in the last step.
>> I really would suggest  to take the trouble  and to do the whole upgrade
>> again as suggested in the news item.  Just to be safe.
>> Sincerely,
>>   Rainer
>> .
> Well, I went by the cryptic output of emerge.  Anything it said couldn't
> be updated without forcing 3.11, got added to package.use.  I had to
> rinse and repeat, a LOT, to finally get it to have a clean path to
> upgrade without errors. 
> That said, I'll remove those and see what it says is still broken. 
> Maybe some were a build only issue and the problem is gone now.  I was
> going to do that on the NAS box too.  I only update the NAS box once a
> month.  Main rig is done each Saturday, well, started on Saturday.  It
> may finish on Sunday.  ;-)  Hence wanting a faster rig. 
> Thanks for the tip.  I would have waited until at least two or three
> weeks from now for my main rig, unless the NAS box had a serious miracle. 
> Dale
> :-)  :-) 
> .

I removed the recent 3.12 exceptions from package.use and emerge spit a
package.  I added it back and repeated.  Another package was not ready
so I added it back.  When I tried emerge again, it spit out a huge list
of packages several screens long.  It seems I have quite a few packages
that just are not ready for 3.12 yet.  I'll try again in a few weeks or

It was worth a try at least. 


:-)  :-) 

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