On 06/08/2024 19:31, Alan Mackenzie wrote:
So, is it possible in Wayland to record a configuration of windows,
their sizes and positions, then restore these on starting a program
again?  If not, that would appear to be a design bug in Wayland.  What
am I missing?

That - unlike X - is because windows cannot say where they are going to go. They can *ask* where they want to go, which isn't the same thing.

Iirc, X behaves like Windows, which means applications can *seize* focus, which drives me up the wall on occasion at work. I'll have an Excel macro running, which takes maybe 3 or 4 minutes. So I go into let's say Slack. Excel triggers something (google drive?) which grabs focus and disappears, so all of a sudden I *think* I'm gaily typing into Slack. But focus has been stolen and I'm typing into a vacuum - EXTREMELY frustrating, especially as I don't actually know what's going on.

In Wayland, you can't steal focus. But as a side effect, it's Wayland that controls the window, not the application. So Wayland is more secure, but that comes with unavoidable side effects that you don't like...


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