On 3/27/06, kashani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I've been rebooting :(
> > Is there a better way?
> /etc/init.d/xinetd stop
> /etc/init.d/xinetd start
> or
> /etc/init.d/xinetd restart

Ah, thank you :)

> > localhost ~ # date
> > Mon Mar 27 21:30:44 IST 2006
> > localhost ~ #
> I and many others aren't inclined to go searching through a page and
> half of logs ranging over two days especially when it appears that the
> problem has changed or been fixed.
> So is it working now? It appears to be doing something.
> kashani

Thanks all, yes, the telnet is working :)

Just a few minutes ago it wasn't, but I played around with the hosts
file.  I don't understand why it's working now and not before because
I'm still using a FQDN which I was using from the beginning.  However,
I changed the arrangement of a few things:

localhost ~ #
localhost ~ # telnet localhost 119
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
200 Leafnode NNTP Daemon, version 1.11.3.rel running at localhost (my
fqdn: hawat.thufir.gmail.com)

telnet> quit
Connection closed.
localhost ~ # cat -n /etc/hosts
     1  # /etc/hosts:  This file describes a number of hostname-to-address
     2  #              mappings for the TCP/IP subsystem.  It is mostly
     3  #              used at boot time, when no name servers are running.
     4  #              On small systems, this file can be used instead of a
     5  #              "named" name server.  Just add the names, addresses
     6  #              and any aliases to this file...
     7  # $Header: /home/cvsroot/gentoo-src/rc-scripts/etc/hosts,v 1.8
2003/08/04 20:12:25 azarah Exp $
     8  #
    11          localhost
    12          hawat.thufir.gmail.com arrakis
localhost ~ # cat -n /etc/leafnode/config
     1  ## Unread articles will be deleted after this many days if
     2  ## you don't define special expire times. Mandatory.
     3  expire = 20
     5  ## This is the NNTP server leafnode fetches its news from.
     6  ## You need read and post access to it. Mandatory.
     7  server = shawnews.vc.shawcable.net
    10  hostname = hawat.thufir.gmail.com
    12  initialfetch = 5
localhost ~ # cat -n /etc/xinetd.conf
     1  # /etc/xinetd.conf: sample configuration file for xinetd
     3  defaults
     4  {
     5          only_from      = localhost
     6          instances      = 60
     7          log_type       = SYSLOG authpriv info
     8          log_on_success = HOST PID
     9          log_on_failure = HOST
    10          cps            = 25 30
    11  }
    13  includedir /etc/xinetd.d
localhost ~ # cat -n /etc/xinetd.d/leafnode-nntp
     1  # default: off
     2  # description: Leafnode - accepts connections on port 119 (NNTP)
     4  service nntp
     5  {
     6          socket_type = stream
     7          protocol    = tcp
     8          wait        = no
     9          user        = news
    10          server      = /usr/sbin/leafnode
    11          disable     = no
    12  }
localhost ~ # date
Mon Mar 27 23:58:26 IST 2006
localhost ~ #

Thanks so much all.  Pardon if I'm a bit dense with this stuff, I do
my best to read the manual.


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