On Monday 24 April 2006 20:05, JimD wrote:
> Do you have your terminal set to create a login shell?  I noticed that
> /etc/profile will source /etc/profile.d/*.sh when you log in.  However
> if you look in /etc/profile.d/, bash-completion gets installed as
> bash-completion and not bash-completion.sh.  So it appears to never get
> sourced.  I renamed it to bash-completion.sh and it works for me.  I
> also set gnome-terminal to create a login shell.
> A login shell will source /etc/profile and /etc/bash/bashrc where as a
> non-login shell will only source /etc/bash/bashrc.
> Jim

Well, i got totally confused, it seemed i couldn't for the life of me get 
~/.bashrc pulled in no matter what i did.

I put the following into ~/.bash_profile and it worked out fine. I'm wondering 
if that information sent out at the end of the ebuild is wrong, or if i'm 
just confused:

[[ -f /etc/bash_completion ]] && \
        source /etc/bash_completion

Thanks for the replies, and I'm interested if you think the info at the end of 
the ebuild was wrong. I'll paste it again here:

    einfo "Add the following to your ~/.bashrc to enable completion support."
    einfo "NOTE: to avoid things like Gentoo bug #98627, you should set 
    einfo "after sourcing /etc/profile.d/bash-completion."
    einfo "[[ -f /etc/profile.d/bash-completion ]] && \\ "
    einfo "    source /etc/profile.d/bash-completion"

"When you walk across the fields with your mind pure and holy, then from
all the stones, and all growing things, and all animals, the sparks of
their soul come out and cling to you. And then they are purified, and
become a holy fire in you." -- Ancient Hasidic Saying

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