Vlad Dogaru wrote:
> Hello,
> My distfiles is getting quite big and I was thinking of symlinking it
> to another partition (just as a temporary solution until I find the
> time to re-partition my hard drive). I know I could just delete what I
> don't use, but I hope to keep them until the planned reinstall of
> Gentoo, so that I can use at least part of the 1.1 GiB (my bandwith is
> limited).
> Can symlinking /usr/portage/distfiles (and even /usr/tmp/portage) to
> directories on another ext2 partition hurt Portage? Are there any
> common pitfalls to this procedure? Are the rights on these directories
> preserved at the next mount or do I also have to edit fstab?
> Thanks,
> Vlad

You can change the path to distfiles in make.conf and then move it there.

You do know about eclean I assume?  It will remove some of the tarballs
that are no longer needed and give you some space back. 

Hope that helps.


:-)  :-)  :-)


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