> > I was looking for a relatively easy way to get online in most places
> > around the world, but maybe GSM isn't it.  I swore off WIFI hunting
> > after visiting the Greek island of Corfu, and from jiwire.com it looks
> > like there is still nothing there.  Check this out though:
> >
> > http://www.geofone.net/bgan-sale.htm
> >
> > These are lightweight, plenty fast, USB, Bluetooth, ethernet, and the
> > page even mentions Linux.  $20/day and $7.95/MB doesn't sound so bad.
> > How can I figure out how much data I send/receive right now during
> > minimal operation?
> Don't know how long you intend staying connected each day, or how much data
> you need to up/download, but $20 a day doesn't exactly hit me as a deal . . .
> That's well more than what I would expect to have to pay a month, even when I
> am on international roaming charges away from home.

>From what I can tell, there just isn't a good solution for staying
connected while traveling around the world yet.  I think a
lightweight, fast satellite connection like the ones in that link
would be perfect, but they are a bit expensive.  Not as expensive as
the last time I looked though.

Connecting via GSM sounds like a cheaper solution but I wonder how it
would end up after phone rental charges, SIM cards, international
voice charges, however they charge you for local data, local dial-up
charges, getting ripped by the fine print because you're likely
dealing with a different company every time, gas and time spent
looking for a good signal and power outlet, etc.  With a satellite
connection it's straightforward.  You always deal with the same
company and it works right from your hacienda on the beach.  In my
experience, staying connected on the road is really hard.  A satellite
system would make it really easy, but somewhat expensive.

- Grant
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