On Tuesday 25 November 2008 21:24:48 Jorge Peixoto de Morais Neto wrote:
> I have no expertise to decide on that matter,
> but the fact that pretty much every linux distribution chooses ext3 by
> default suggests it is the safest (at least for simple desktop/laptop
> usage), no?

I don't think that has anything to do with performance or safety. Instead:

1. Red Hat suffers from a serious case of Not Invented Here Syndrome. They do 
good work, but they have that little eccentricity too. ReiserFS was funded in 
large part by SuSE, therefore RH are ill-inclined to use it. Many distros 
follow Red Hat's lead, very few go with SuSE to wherever SuSE is going. Who 
knows why Debian made their choice - it' s probably as simple as ext3 traces 
it roots back much further than Reiser can

2. NameSys was largely driven by the fame (infamy?) of it's owner - a typical 
mad scientist geek who writes excellent code. But he got himself in jail and 
the risk associated with using his filesystem sans reliable know maintainer 
is too great a risk for most distros

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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