> I have not dived in the Linux developers x Hans Reiser battle, so I
> don't know which side is right and which side is guilty, but think
> that either
> A) reiserfs is a good filesystem, but the battle between Hans Reiser
> and Linux developers caused people to dislike reiserfs for
> non-technical reasons.
> or
> B) reiserfs is a bad filesystem but for some reason a lot of reiserfs
> fans appeared in this thread
A is the answer.  Hans Reiser is by all accounts a brilliant, eccentric
but deeply flawed individual.  He did not get on at a personal or
professional level with the world in general.  It almost seems like
ext3/4 were developed to spite him and give alternatives so they would
not have to deal with him.  Unprofessional words and actions were taken
on both sides, but the animosity caused by Hans (and others in response)
means that this will take forever to blow over, even with Hans out of
the picture.

There is a huge amount out there on this.  There are also may other
highly valued developers out there who may also be a little eccentric
(to be kind!).

In the meantime, my opinion is that reiserfs3 is great, ext3 not quite
so good, and ext2/4 and reiserfs4 are for those who live on the edge :)


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