R C Mitchell wrote:
I use Ubuntu for every day but as my box has a spare 40GB hard disk I decided
to have a go at installing Gentoo on it for evaluation

ah, who says Ubuntu isn't good for anything? Good to see you're trying a real distribution :) </flame>

Typically now you'd prove me wrong and say how you've been using <dieHardLinux> for years... anyhoo welcome!

[snip excellent problem report]

I'm reluctant to believe that this is down to an arbitrary hardware fault,
since everything else works fine.  It does seem to have something to do with
emerging gentoo-sources.

hm, this screams hardware fault all over - I haven't seen one issue like this come to anything else. Usually it's the RAM. Can you humour me and try a stick from another machine, or at least reseat it?

No offence, but I doubt an Ubuntu install would tax your resources as much as compiling your system as you have just done. Strange that you came all the way to gentoo-sources before it manifested, but perhaps it's the only one so far to keep your CPU at 100% for long enough.

Other things you could try are frequency scaling (maybe it's overheating, where a temp sensor isn't picking it up); and reseating your h/w.

Is anybody able to rescue this maiden in distress and throw some light on my

but girls don't exist on tha interwebz!

Iain Buchanan <iaindb at netspace dot net dot au>

  We're overpaying him, but he's worth it. -Samuel Goldwyn

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