On Fri, 2008-11-28 at 11:36 +0000, R C Mitchell wrote:


> I emerged gentoo-sources, and it ran fine for 
> about five minutes, and then (choosing the moment when I decided all was well 
> to go and make a pot of tea, the system rebooted itself.  I booted up the 
> disk again and went through the chrooting process.  When I went to emerge 
> gentoo-sources again, emerge looked for the dependencies and then the whole 
> system froze solid with one of those "this is NOT our fault" kernel panic 
> messages.
> Not to worry.  I can be very patient on occasions.  I cold booted the box and 
> started all over again, deleting the new partitions and going through the 
> instructions from the beginning incase I'd missed anything.  Again I got to 
> emerging gentoo-sources.  Again it ran for about five minutes before the 
> system rebooted itself.  Again I went through the chrooting process and went 
> to emerge gentoo-sources.  Again the system froze.  I rebooted and rechrooted 
> and tried it again.  Same result.
> I'm reluctant to believe that this is down to an arbitrary hardware fault, 
> since everything else works fine.  It does seem to have something to do with 
> emerging gentoo-sources.

Well, emerging gentoo-sources has to be probably the *easiest* package
to emerge.  All it pretty does is download the tarball, unpacks it and
applies some packages.  So I don't think it's a problem with

What you describe does indeed sound like a hardware issue.  I remember a
long long time ago a similar thing happened to me on a laptop that would
not keep cool.  When you are compiling a lot of stuff as you would with
Gentoo, things can get pretty warm inside, so adequate air flow is

You might wanna shut your computer down for a couple of hours and try
again when it's cool.

It could also be a kernel issue but I doubt it.  Usually it's something
like overheating or faulty RAM.

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