Grant wrote:
>>>>>>> Oh I get it, the computer doesn't want me to see the Obama video.  Yes
>>>>>>> that's funny.
>>>>>> Oh, what an intelligent machine you've got ;-p
>>>>>> Did it already point you to Tarpley's biography about Hussein Obama ?
>>>>>> Or to Obma's connections to Brezinski (the one who wants to get
>>>>>> China into war against Russia) ?
>>>>> What could there be that wasn't already exposed during a very long
>>>>> election campaign?
>>> Just a honest question from Germany:
>>> Which ones are the liberal medias overseas?
>>> Since from here I wouldn't call anything I know liberal, let alone
>>> anything progressive...
>>> Sebastian
>> If you mean liberal in the USA, NBC being the most, then CNN, CBS and
>> ABC.  CNN and CBS are about the same and ABC is somewhat better.
>> According to some media research folks, BBC is left leaning as well.  I
>> have watched it a few times and saw no reason to disagree.
>> The hard part is finding a source for the facts so a person can make
>> their own decisions.  For years, CNN, CBS and friends was all we had
>> then along came Fox.  The old media seemed to think the people are all
>> stupid and needed someone to make decisions for them instead of
>> realizing that most Americans are smart enough to do their own
>> thinking.  Of course, that is also why Fox has more viewers than CNN,
>> MSNBC and the rest combined.
>> Hope that answered your question.
> I don't think we should pretend that our own views don't scew our
> perception of not only what is true, but also what is fair and
> balanced.  I'm a liberal fellow and although NBC and CNN do seem
> liberal to me, I still perceive them to be a good source of news
> facts.  ABC seems only very slightly to the left, and Fox seems so far
> to the right it's ridiculous.  These aren't evaluations of truthiness,
> but of fairness.  Dale obviously disagrees.  The point is that no one
> is actually a good judge of truth *or* fairness.
> As for why Fox has "more" (let's say the same number of) viewers as
> the rest of the networks, I think you stated the reason exactly:
> "For years, CNN, CBS and friends was all we had then along came Fox."
> Conservative folks don't have any other choice, and the US seems to be
> pretty split in half as far as Democrats/Republicans if elections
> results are any indication.
> - Grant

 A lot of what you said is dead on.  I do have to add that there are
independent organizations that analyze the broadcasts of CNN, Fox and
others and then report who is leaning where.  [1]  That is where I got
my information.  I didn't just make it up.  Repeatedly over the years
Fox told both sides of the story and not just one side.  They also look
at WHAT is being reported.  Let's say Obama makes a screw up, Fox will
talk about it but most likely NBC won't even mention it since they were
in the tank for him and supported him during the election.  

Also, Fox is not conservative.  It's just that CNN and others are so far
to the left that Fox looks like it is right.  I see both Dems and Reps
on Fox but whenever I see CNN, they mostly tell one side, the side they
support.  I want both sides so I can make up my own mind.  I'm doing
that with the bail out plan they are talking about now.  Yes, I still
call it a bail out but it looks more like social engineering to me. 

My point is this, I watched CNN for years with really no other source
for news.  Then comes the internet and Fox news.  Now I see that my "gut
feeling" was right.  They were not reporting the news but trying to tell
me what to think.  That is a serious turn off.  I'm divorced because I
got lied to.  That was the root cause of that.  CNN and friends is about
like my ex.  They both lied and I don't deal with either of them. 
Honest mistakes are one thing but trying to tell people something that
is not accurate is not.  I'm one of those you screw up once and I'm done. 


:-)  :-) 

[1]  That is just one that I could
remember off the top of my head. 

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