Sebastian Günther wrote:
> * Stroller ( [01.02.09 00:23]:
>> On 31 Jan 2009, at 22:54, Grant wrote:
>>>>> Oh I get it, the computer doesn't want me to see the Obama video.  Yes
>>>>> that's funny.
>>>> Oh, what an intelligent machine you've got ;-p
>>>> Did it already point you to Tarpley's biography about Hussein Obama ?
>>>> Or to Obma's connections to Brezinski (the one who wants to get
>>>> China into war against Russia) ?
>>> What could there be that wasn't already exposed during a very long
>>> election campaign?
> Just a honest question from Germany:
> Which ones are the liberal medias overseas?
> Since from here I wouldn't call anything I know liberal, let alone 
> anything progressive...
> Sebastian

If you mean liberal in the USA, NBC being the most, then CNN, CBS and
ABC.  CNN and CBS are about the same and ABC is somewhat better. 
According to some media research folks, BBC is left leaning as well.  I
have watched it a few times and saw no reason to disagree. 

The hard part is finding a source for the facts so a person can make
their own decisions.  For years, CNN, CBS and friends was all we had
then along came Fox.  The old media seemed to think the people are all
stupid and needed someone to make decisions for them instead of
realizing that most Americans are smart enough to do their own
thinking.  Of course, that is also why Fox has more viewers than CNN, 
MSNBC and the rest combined. 

Hope that answered your question.


:-)  :-)

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