Alan McKinnon wrote:
> On Thursday 05 February 2009 09:28:50 Jesús Guerrero wrote:
>> There are enough easy-to-use distros. Let us, "masochists", live in
>> peace. We love pain, why do people care so much about what we do
>> with our privacy? :P [it's a joke, in case anyone didn't notice]
>> There have been several attempts to make a decent installer. They
>> all failed miserably and got abandoned. Why? Because to tell the
>> truth, no one has an authentic interest in the matter. The simple
>> answer is most probably the right one.
> To add to you (excellent) arguments:
> There is no GUI admin tool for gentoo. You drive this puppy on the command 
> line with tools like emerge, equery, genlop, layman and q. That's how it 
> works, we are all comfortable with this, and this is good.
> I can't think of a single reason why the installer should operate in a 
> different manner to the way the thing will be used.

Does porthole count?  I use it sometimes and it is well all right.  I
miss etcat myself.  Just as I was starting to get used to it, it


:-)  :-) 

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