El Jue, 5 de Febrero de 2009, 14:53, Saphirus Sage escribió:
> Cocoy Dayao wrote:
> There are certain situations where the "step-by-step" installer isn't
> adequate. For instance, when I was installing gentoo on my G4, it was
> straight forward and easy, but when I decided to do a minimal install on
> my Everex laptop, I needed to use initrd, which I previoiusly had no
> experience with and the Gentoo handbook didn't mention. Granted, it
> eventually worked, but I would be hesitent to say that there was adequate
> documentation on it.

And that's why we speack about a community effort, and bugtrackers
exist. So you can let the relevant people know and the next one
to read the handbook will find a solution if s/he has the same
problem. The handbooks didn't magically appear out of thin air in
1 second as they are now, nor did Gentoo.

It's not "The community vs. you", you are part of the community
since the very moment you start using linux.

No manual is perfect, the difference is that here at least you have
the chance to change it to make it better.

Jesús Guerrero

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