On 2009-02-08, Graham Murray <gra...@gmurray.org.uk> wrote:
> Neil Bothwick <n...@digimed.co.uk> writes:
>> Everyone's more or less agreeing here, that the info format is
>> useful but the standard info reader sucks. Once you start
>> reading info pages in a decent reader, like Konqueror, they
>> are useful for more complex documents. Although I'd still
>> prefer HTML, mainly because of the wide choice of readers
>> available.
> Yet much (I would even suggest most) HTML documentation does
> not take much advantage of the HTML format. It is rare for it
> to contain many hyperlinks within the text. Often it is
> formatted more like a book with each page just having
> previous, next, up and contents links at top and/or bottom
> with few, if any, hyperlinks in the text.

And that format completely sucks for much the same reason that
info sucks.  I hate it when a large HTML document is broken up
into chunks 1-2 paragraphs long with prev/next buttons.  Such
documents are impossible to search either by eye or using a
browser's search feature.  Unfortunately, when HTML is
generated from info or docbook formats, the default seems to be
to generated a completely factured, disconnected heap if small
HTML pages.  The Python documentation is like that.

The Gentoo docs are a pretty decent example of how to do HTML
documentation right.


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