On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 05:10:22PM +0100, Penguin Lover Nicolai Beuermann 
> > I've just discovered that reemerging dev-util/subversion (1.6.0)
> > with different use flags gives a working svn
> >
> > USE='-webdav-neon webdav-serf' emerge -1 dev-util/subversion
> >
> > So, I suspect net-misc/neon (0.28.4) or the interplay of subversion with
> > neon is broken.
> >
> > Helmut.
> After building subversion with this new set of USE variables adding the 
> sabayon overlay works! Many thanks to everyone involved.
> Unfortunately "layman -s vmware" (also: "layman -d vmware; layman -f -a 
> vmware") failed with:
> svn: XML parsing failed: (411 Length Required)

Helmut and Nicolai: it would be great if one of you can file a bug
about this. I think it is rather important as the neon module is the
default module for accessing http svns. 

Glad your problem is solved. 


  Two people turned in problem set 12 without indicating their names!
  This is true scholarship, done for it's own sake and not for
 material advantage, like a grade.
  It is an honor to be associated with such nobility of soul.
       ~Prof. Kirk T. McDonald, DeathEM'03 
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