Willie Wong wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 05:10:22PM +0100, Penguin Lover Nicolai Beuermann 
> > > I've just discovered that reemerging dev-util/subversion (1.6.0)
> > > with different use flags gives a working svn
> > >
> > > USE='-webdav-neon webdav-serf' emerge -1 dev-util/subversion
> > >
> > > So, I suspect net-misc/neon (0.28.4) or the interplay of subversion
> > > with neon is broken.
> > >
> > > Helmut.
> >
> > After building subversion with this new set of USE variables adding the
> > sabayon overlay works! Many thanks to everyone involved.
> > Unfortunately "layman -s vmware" (also: "layman -d vmware; layman -f -a
> > vmware") failed with:
> > svn: XML parsing failed: (411 Length Required)
> Helmut and Nicolai: it would be great if one of you can file a bug
> about this. I think it is rather important as the neon module is the
> default module for accessing http svns.
> Glad your problem is solved.
> Best,
> W

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