On Mon, 22 Jun 2009 11:42:05 -0600, Maxim Wexler wrote:

> > Actually, it's /etc/init.d/localmount, not bootmisc. Add a sleep
> > command just before No, you'de need to edit the bootmisc script and
> > add a sleep command just before  
> Sorry, this doesn't scan well.

It doesn't, that not what I (thought I'd) typed.

> Do I put the sleep command in
> localmount or not? Then edit bootmisc too?

Put it in localmount, not bootmisc, just before
ebegin "Mounting local filesystems"
> How many seconds do I assign to NUMBER?

There's only one way to find out. Try 60, if that doesn't fix it, it's
not a delay reading the card.

Neil Bothwick

If you use envelopes, why not encryption ?

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