> I'd put /home and /var on the SD card to start with, you may need to
> put /usr/src on there too or your SSD may fill up when installing or
> compiling a second or third kernel.
> I'd also move the portage tree there, but you can do that
> post-installation by moving /usr/portage to /var/portage and changing
> PORTDIR in make.conf.
> Mount the partitions in the relevant places for installation,
> /mnt/gentoo/var etc.

OK, been staring at this terminal for about an hour. I'm at
r...@sysresccd /mnt/gentoo where sda1 is mounted. Do I just mount sdb1
on /mnt/gentoo too? Do I delete home and var then mkdirs on sdb2?
Won't they just be re-made on the same partition, sda1? I've already
unpacked portage on sdb1(mounted on usr), not a problem, I can just
delete it. But why is it when I umount sdb1 from usr and mount it
under /mnt/gentoo  I can't see portage under /mnt/gentoo? It's there
when I mount sdb1 on usr. Do I need to fdisk /dev/sdb with all the
relevant partitions? Then I'll have one big 4G partition on the SSD
and a lot of little partitions on the 8G SD, no?


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