Hi Arne

The reason is that we collect WMS from different providers. The idea with
caching is, that we have a "copy" of the data in our cache - und can serve
our system with this, when one of the "source WMS" of which we haven't any
control, isn't working.

I'm not sure if this is really possible?

The other idea was to collect "all tiles" of the "source WMS", save them as
png locally and use them this way. I think this is quite exactly what
geowebcache is doing.

If I'm completely wrong - I'm happy for any advice.

Thank you.



I've read the followups, but it is stilll unclear to me why you are
invoking GWC at all ?

GWC stores many small tiles in PNG or JPEG format. It is rather expensive
to decode these tiles and to combine them into a new image.

Last time I checked it was a lot slower than using an optimized GeoTIFF as
the source, and I think (but I haven't checked) you need a pretty hefty
dataset + styles for this to be slower than rendering vector straight from
the database.

So why not just use WMS ?  The ability to combine tiles was written for a
very extreme case, a legacy WMS backend that was unbearably slow and
couldn't be fixed.


Christian Höhener
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9000 St.Gallen
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