Matches is supposed to check that a 
feature matches. It is not used to compare identifiers. 

Thanks for the clarification however. 

I was going to have two implementations in order not to waste memory. 


On 19/10/2011, at 6:40 PM, Mark Leslie <> wrote:

> I'm slowly coming round to the FeatureId option.  I don't really like
> the idea of carrying around the extra version information when 98% of
> the time it's going to be placeholders, but it will keep client
> efforts cleaner.
> I should also clarify my confusion in comparing FeatureId to
> ResourceId.  I basically wrote a test case that created a
> SimpleFeature with a FeatureId and saved it into the versioned store.
> On reading it out, I assertedEquals that they were the same.  The
> versioned store created a ResourceId on read, so the
> ResourceId.equals(FeatureId) failed, yet the
> FeatureId.equals(ResourceId) succeeded.  The FeatureId option would
> (should?) fail consistently both ways.
> There is an existing method that I simply didn't notice soon enough in
> Identifier.matches(..) that is the appropriate way to do things.  I
> have no preference between equalsFid and matches, but equals should
> continue to be the same complete equality that caught me, ie. the
> proposed equalsExact.
> --
> Mark
> On 19 October 2011 17:21, Jody Garnett <> wrote:
>> I am going to have a run at making a patch on Monday; if I can manage it I
>> would like to go with FeatureId option. If not I will use your ResourceId
>> option as a fall back position.
>> (I am not crazy I am going to start with your ResourceId patch and then
>> refactor; deprecating the non used RecordId and ObjectId as I go). All in
>> all I expect this to be a low risk change.
>> I am still keen to get feedback from Gabriel especially with respect the
>> functions that query based on time range. I am not sure I completely
>> understood what the wfs2 specification was on about here as they seemed very
>> vague.
>> --
>> Jody Garnett
>> On Wednesday, 19 October 2011 at 1:58 PM, Justin Deoliveira wrote:
>> Thanks for putting the proposal together Jody. Tough to say which option is
>> the way to go.. I actually do like the option of just rolling all the
>> ResourceId stuff into feature id... seems a bit simpler and cleaner, and
>> definitely easy on client code to not have to do the instanceof check.
>> On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 7:00 PM, Jody Garnett <>
>> wrote:
>> Morning:
>> I have a development team that has been working in a fork of GeoTools while
>> the wfs2 and resoruceid concepts took shape. Justin has kindly merged in the
>> wfs2 work (I still need to write some docs before it is done); and I have
>> now written up a proposal for the ResourceId change.
>> -
>> Since I have a development team waiting on this I will start work on Monday;
>> and would like to collect any input people feel is necessary before that
>> time. The work should not take very long; there are however two options on
>> the table.
>> --
>> Jody Garnett
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>> --
>> Justin Deoliveira
>> OpenGeo -
>> Enterprise support for open source geospatial.
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>> All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a
>> definitive record of customers, application performance, security
>> threats, fraudulent activity and more. Splunk takes this data and makes
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> -- 
> Mark Leslie
> Geospatial Software Architect
> LISAsoft
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> Ph: +61 2 8570 5000 Fax: +61 2 8570 5099 Mob: +61
> Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf 19-21 Pirrama Rd Pyrmont NSW 2009
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> LISAsoft is part of the A2end Group of Companies

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