On 16/10/12 14:39, Andrea Aime wrote:
> Ben, I have two worries about the backport:
> - the patch is core and non trivial (and only managed to have a cursory
> look at it)
> - release is next week
> Can we land it one day after the release so that it gets some exposure
> for at least one month on the stable
> series before a release?

I was kind of hoping to get this one into 8.3. However, if I didn't have 
a lingering concern (and referencing always triggers my fear response), 
I would not have emailed the list.

For getting it in 8.3:
- It is a minor improvement.
- It cherry-picked cleanly; waiting risks introducing conflicts.
- Justin had no objection (on IRC).
- It has OCD-level test coverage, in both GeoTools and GeoServer WFS. 
The referencing test coverage is identical to that for the URN format. I 
added xsd-gml3 XML parsing coverage of all supported formats. The 
GeoServer tests cover 4 and 5 parameter BBOX GET requests for all formats.
- All tests passed on 8.x/2.2.x, locally and on Hudson (yes, it has been 
- It has been on master for over two months.
- Nightly users will have a whole week to test it.
- As I will be next able to work on this in the week of 29 October, 
waiting will only increase the number of testing weeks from one to three 
on stable.

Against getting it 8.3:
  - Even though it is a minor improvement, it modifies referencing, 
which is not just core, but a snake-pit of interacting classes, 
adapters, factories, and Hints.
- It refactors an implementation class hierarchy (but not a public API).
- It changes some public constants including Citations (but these are 
not intended for direct use).

I pushed this change to 8.x (and the unit test to GeoServer 2.2.x) 
earlier today. If you are sure you would be more comfortable holding 
this change until the week of 29 October (my next opportunity to work on 
it) and 8.4, please confirm and I will revert it immediately.

Kind regards,

Ben Caradoc-Davies <ben.caradoc-dav...@csiro.au>
Software Engineer
CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
Australian Resources Research Centre

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