On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 12:43 PM, Mauro Bartolomeoli <
mauro.bartolome...@geo-solutions.it> wrote:

> I have two options:
>  * simplest one: SchemaFactory looks in classpath for schemas.properties
> files containing uri -> localpath bindings used for preloading and caching
> schemas. The content of schema.properties would be similar to this one:
> http://www.w3.org/2001/xml.xsd=xml.xsd
>  * more extensible one: a new interface SchemaLoader could be introduced.
> to delegate schema loading; the interface will have two methods:
>   - boolean canLoad(URL url)
>   - Schema loadSchema(URL url)
>    SchemaLoader implementation will be looked up with the SPI method
> during startup and used to load schemas when needed.

Either option works for me, both are pluggable in some sense, the second is
more general in that it would allow building a Schema
out of non local classpath sources, but it's also more work for the
implementor as they have to also build the Schema.
Another option could be to have a simpler interface:

SchemaLoader { URL replaceSchemaLocation(URL location) }

That would either return null if it cannot manage that schema, or a
separate URL if it has
a better source (such as classpath or local file system).


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