app-schema uses the app-schema-resolver implementation to obtain schemas 
from the classpath (jar files), oasis calogs, or cached downloads. It is 
designed to drive the XML encoder, and solve the problem of cross-module 
relative imports (import of ../../../whatever) from different sources. 
It does not use the URIResolver interface. It implements the GeoTools 
SchemaLocationResolver interface. See:

I would have to think more about what youse are trying to do, but 
app-schema-resolver has no dependencies on app-schema and could be the 
basis of a solution.

Kind regards,

On 05/02/13 23:20, Justin Deoliveira wrote:
> I wonder if a third alternative would be to utilize the URIResolver apis
> already present in the jdk. If I am not mistaken the app-schema folks
> use this to solive this same problem. Maybe Ben or Rini can comment on
> that.

Ben Caradoc-Davies <>
Software Engineer
CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
Australian Resources Research Centre

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