Many thanks to all who responded.  


Clearly, it could be a full-time job (and almost surely is) to engage in
this debate.


I'll share the joy one of today's installments, which was 'generously'
presented to me:


The Beat Goes On while The Heat Is On? 


It might be interesting to expansively compare 'separation of church and
state' with 'separation of politics and science.'  





[] On Behalf Of Dunlap, Riley
Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2009 5:23 PM
Subject: FW: Ongoing issue -- responding to 'skeptics'


The list, like the prior one of 450 Marc Morano put together for Inhofe, is
a joke.  You can find a lot of info on it at places like these two:


Climate Progess [] and DeSmog


There are very few legitimate climate scientists on it, and a number of
people listed by Morano (who simply grabs names from publications, often
quoting folks out of context) have asked to be removed.


Riley E. Dunlap

Regents Professor

Department of Sociology

Oklahoma State University

Stillwater, OK  74078



[] On Behalf Of Steve Hoffman
Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2009 5:41 PM
Subject: Ongoing issue -- responding to 'skeptics'

Dear All -


While discussing climate change with 'skeptics', I've been presented with
the following article:


Would love to know how those on this list would respond, since I haven't
crunched the numbers myself.


That notwithstanding, my response would probably touch on the following:


a)       For the record, to play the numbers game for a moment, how many
IPCC scientists are in this group of 700?  On the other hand, how many IPCC
scientists believe that climate change is both a serious problem and

b)      Knowing what I do about Japan, I don't put an enormous amount of
stock in the statement that 90% of participants in a Japan Geoscience Union
symposium didn't believe the IPCC report - the language barrier is large,
and cultural factors, e.g., what one might call 'cultural push-back' [reflex
skepticism], as well as 'follow the leader', and the particular nature of
this group, may be important here.   Quite a bit may have been lost in the
translation, so to speak - in both directions.  [Also, how many participants
were there at this "symposium"?]  Yet that is the lead 'fact' in the

c)       How many of the 700 are on the payroll of 'interested parties'?


As an interdisciplinary environmental scientist who does carry a healthy
degree of skepticism w/ regard to scientific data of all kinds, I do have a
certain amount of sympathy with anyone who professes to be skeptical.
However, my sense on climate change is that the scientific consensus has
become near-overwhelming, and while politics are of course not 100% divorced
from this, the data are very compelling. 

But again, I'm most curious to know what sort of response might come from
folks on this list who are much more well informed on this set of issues
than I.



Best Regards,



Steven Hoffman, Ph.D.

Environmental Consulting and Innovation

Bow (Samish Island), WA

(360) 720-4378


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