On 28 Jul 2019, Bernard Peek wrote:

> I've used Gmail for years but I'm happy to use something else. My main
> reason for choosing Gmail back then was its spam filtering. What
> alternatives can match that today?

I would second the idea of putting gmx.com at least on the "to be
considered" list (and on other lists I've seen some godawful message
formatting from some ProtonMail users; maybe their webclient's default
settings suck?) but do bear in mind that you should expect an inverse
correlation between false negative rate and false positive rate in spam
filtering: If you want to see hardly any spam then you are also going to
be rejecting some valid mail, the very problem that switching from gmail
is trying to avoid in this case! We don't get to have our cake and eat

Standards violations or similar daft decisions by big players are a
common issue in IT, whether in Internet activity or elsewhere: Indulge
them and work around them or tell them where to go to encourage better
behavior in the community overall? Each of the two camps is typically
well-populated and armed with good arguments. I figure that it is
entirely up to the generous get_iplayer list operator whether they opt
for principles or pragmatism in this case, I consider either defensible.

Personally my issue with gmail is mostly that people mailing me from
such addresses better understand that my responses to them are
necessarily limited to what I am happy for Google to archive and harvest
for their own purposes but I would argue that for public mailing list
traffic one ought not have to choose between convenience and privacy:
the latter's not a criterion.

-- Mark

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