On 28 Jul 2019, RS wrote:

> On 28/07/2019 11:01, Mark Carroll wrote:
>> Standards violations or similar daft decisions by big players are a
>> common issue in IT, 
> Pious comments about standards violation are not much help unless we can 
> identify what the standards are and how they are being violated.

Roger mentioned the issue so he might know. If one requires adherence
to standards that in practice are still being adopted then one'll thus
reject plenty of legitimate mail and have to live with that.

> My (very limited) understanding is that DKIM, DMARC and SPF *are* 
> standards, but they are only recently being enforced by some email 
> providers.

Yeah, I do bother providing an SPF record because it's easy but I am in
no hurry to do all the DKIM stuff which is rather more heavyweight; no
doubt as it gets increasingly required the accompanying admin tools also
get easier. In the meantime I have no trouble sending to gmail, etc.
though maybe it helps that I connect over TLS and have the certificate
properly set up for my domain.

> One thing that seems to be being suggested is that I should use my own 
> domain name for email.  My own experience of doing that has been that I 
> get swamped with spam.

I do this. This isn't the place for an extended discussion of antispam
approaches but many people find that graylisting helps and personally I
find that not much spam gets through if I just tarpit any IPs currently
appearing on certain blackhole lists. It's hardly an option for the
typical get_iplayer user though.

-- Mark

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