>  Thanks, but my name is Christian. Johan stepped down, remember? :)
> Right, sorry, Christian. It is just the new age's effect :)


>  If you could have well-performing, secure and easy-to-use HTTP pull/push,
> then why wouldn't you use it?
> Because I want all my repository submodules URL to use git:// protocol
> instead of HTTP and HTTP is enabled by default and I don't want to have to
> worry about that explaining this to my coworkers. We don't have firewall
> issues related to git:// protocol in our company. I find the git protocol to
> be more lightweight than HTTP and usually supported out-of-the-box by git
> tools and I want they to think that Gitorious is just a web interface and
> that we could do everything without Gitorious using other tools if we
> wanted...
> It is important for me that they understand the concepts behind usual Git
> workflow...

For us too, we're not trying to divert anyone from that. Keep in mind that
smart HTTP is part of Git. The reason we cannot use it directly is the path
translation from URLs to hashed paths. Johan once tried to suggest path
translation (or at least hooks for it) be built in to Git itself, but the
request was declined.

> This is my concern: I've lost git commits due to JGit destroying the git
> file-system. I definitely don't want to enable any write support of JGit for
> my repositories... I think Gitorious currently don't use any write support
> from Grit, right?

Understandable. We will test this very thoroughly before recommending its
wide-spread use.

> As long as SSH support is kept, I don't mind adding HTTPS push support
> because I won't enable it anyway in our local installation. But I wouldn't
> like to use gitorious.org for hosting my projects if I share them with
> someone else and I can't make sure if he/she will use HTTPS for pushing.
> Probably I wouldn't provide write access to anyone else just to make sure
> only SSH will be used for pushing...

Don't worry, we won't drop the code :)

 Changing the subject, just as a brief update, I'm almost finished with
> OpenID support with Devise. It is already working but I need to fix some
> other existent problems in Gitorious regarding flash messages that are
> currently not working correctly in the second generation layout and the
> authentication view when errors happen. Also I need to make the test pass,
> even if it means replacing it with an integration test...
> But probably I'll only be able to continue on next weekend since I'm
> leaving to a party now and will be out of town as soon as my wife and me
> wake up tomorrow, returning on Sunday night probably...

Probably better to keep it on the other thread ;) But, that is fantastic
news, cannot wait to give it a spin. If an integration test is what is
required I have no problems with that. Have a great weekend!


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