Dear Colleagues,

I would be very interested in the answer to this question myself.

Speaking for the Transparency and Accountability Network, and our new
program to help raise money for relief and development activities, we
are looking for activities that demonstrably improve the quality of life
in a community. This requires some baseline information about the
community, some information about the planned activities, and a review
of the community metrics periodically after the activity has been
implemented. Something that costs $100 should facilitate an increment in
community value of some multiplier of this ... perhaps as much as

>From our perspective, external funds are only valuable when they help
make local resources, especially human resources and local natural
resources, productive. Our expectation is that funds used for one
purpose will get repaid, and then go on to facilitate some other needed

We are not very interested in the organization that implements the
activity. In fact the less organization the better, since too much of
relief and development assistance funding is used to strengthen an
organization rather than delivering activities to the intended community
beneficiaries. Having said that, an organization that has successfully
done relief and development activities and can show results is a plus.

In order to be put in our funding pipeline we need information about the
community, the activity, the implementing organization ... if you want
more specifics I would be pleased to send them.

Peter Burgess
Peter Burgess
Tr-Ac-Net in New York  212 772 6918 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Transparency and Accountability Network
With Kris Dev in Chennai India
and others in South Asia, Africa and Latin America

***GKD is solely supported by EDC, a Non-Profit Organization***
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