Dear Colleagues,

As I've been struggling over the last couple of years to build up an NGO
in rural Guatemala, I have been learning a lot about trying to match our
organization's needs and wants with those of donors. It has been much
tougher than I expected. Those of us in the field have specific ideas
about what we want to do to achieve the impact we believe will be most
beneficial for our communities. Donors also have their own ideas about
what they would like to fund and how and where. Development is
subdivided into so many competing areas and places that finding a match
is difficult.

But matching interests is only one part of the challenge in reaching
donors. I believe it is important to build up relationships with donors
and potential donors that are more than one-time funding of a project.
For example, many developing country organizations spend time in the
wealthy countries giving talks and presentations about their causes.
Even if that isn't feasible, a grassroots project can use Internet
effectively to share success stories and draw people in. Once a person
grows attached to an organization by seeing its work over a few months
or years, a funding appeal will be more likely to gain the interest of a
potential supporter.

For grassroots initiatives that do not have resources to do all this on
their own, there are organizations that are trying to help. Gena Fleming
mentions the idea of websites to help connect potential donors and
projects. There are organizations doing this. Take a look at:
<>  and <>

Best of luck to all,


Andrew E. Lieberman
Presidente (Nab'e eqanel)
Asociacion Ajb'atz' Enlace Quiche
5a. Calle 3-42, Zona 5, Santa Cruz del Quiche
tel. y fax:  502-7755-4801, 7755-0810

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