Dear GKD Members:

I share Janice Brodman's feelings about the fact that good NGOs in
developing countries do not have a presence, and have little voice, when
it comes to dealing with donors, and development issues, as monopolized
by the 'North'.

For example, too much of the dialogue in the North is about ending
corruption and too little about rewarding the deserving, and not with
prizes at global conferences but with funding.

One need look no further than this Saturday's, July 2nd Willfull Media
Distraction (WMD), orchestrated from England, and supposedly designed to
make poverty history, at least in Africa. The voice of Africa has been
almost totally absent in the planning, much of which is in the control
of a small handful of powerful Northern NGOs who will insure that their
own funding sources feel good about the event/affair. They have even
barred touching on poverty in England.

Forget about the selection of the music, the selection and framing of
the issues is not what Africa would have liked to say. Ignoring the
history of debt creation and conditionality, ignoring the trade policies
of the North, etc. is more likely to confuse the general public than
educate it.

After the music dies the same old same old challenges will remain, and
there will be little new to build on. Development is about doing the
right thing right. Good intentions, especially blended with Northern NGO
self-service, are not enough.

With regard to Africa I would like to see "Make Poverty History" a
subtitle in a larger production called "Give Africa A Voice" - or more
properly, "Let Africa's Voice be Heard". Why is asking so little seen as
asking too much?

Sam Lanfranco
York University

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