On 6/24/05, Gena Fleming wrote:

> Currently, people in need of funding need to do quite a bit of sleuthing
> to find funding sources. Can we create an alternative? I am imagining a
> website which showcases a diversity of projects through photos and brief
> descriptions (women's rights, sustainable water purification,
> permaculture, medicinal gardens, etc.) so that individuals who want to
> donate can get an overview of a diversity of sustainable projects around
> the world and choose specific projects they would like to donate
> directly to, without the mediation of individual foundations. I think
> this would serve the dual purpose of offering a new vision of a
> sustainable world, while helping donors feel more personally connected
> and involved with projects to which they are donating financial support.

It is definitely a great idea. From my experience, it is precisely the
'alignment' that takes place with individual mediating organisations
that results in some amount of dilution of purpose for the grassroots
players: your 'marketplace' (souk, bazaar, eBay) model provides an

However, even that bazaar needs support - hosting, design, bug-fixing,
the main tech issues, and other broader issues like certification,
ratings, ancillary commercial issues and the like. We should discuss
ways and means of getting this off the ground in a workable manner.


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