Dear all,

In the Netherlands and elsewhere GLAMs pay companies like to
produce images of their collections, resulting in thousands of .tifs

Up to now, as far as i know these company websites have not been
whitelisted for uploads to Commons. It could be practical if GLAMs which
want to donate images, can do so directly from such a company's domain. (A
GLAM asked me whether to ask a scanning company to allow this from their
company side.)

As i don't (yet) have a specific URL as a test, i can't at this point ask
whitelisting on Phabricator. So i would like to test the waters here. If
whitelisting of a company is a "no-no", it makes no sense aa company to
allow this anyway. GLAMs (and I) must use other more indirect upload

* What's your view?

Thanks, hans muller

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