My name is Adrián Aguirre :)

Hitpoints in spanish is "puntos de golpe" but the better translation is
"puntos de salud" o "puntos de daño". "puntos de salud" is for units and
"puntos de daño" is for buildings. The problem is that the string of
"hitpoints" is the same for units and buildings, and "Health points" for a
building is an absurd :P.

I have seen the problem with "puntos de daño" button. There is no other way
for translate hitpoints than "puntos de salud" or "puntos de daño", what can
we do?

I will translate the Globulation Manual and later the Tutorial.

Kind Regards :)

2009/2/26 Leo Wandersleb <>

> Hi Adrian,
> I've added your translation to the upstream version of glob2 and
> Adrian <enarxe at gmail dot com>
> to the authors.txt
> If you want you can give me your full name for that.
> Kind Regards
> Leo
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