
Can you give me a user/pass for the spanish wiki?


2009/2/26 enarxe <ena...@gmail.com>

> My name is Adrián Aguirre :)
> Hitpoints in spanish is "puntos de golpe" but the better translation is
> "puntos de salud" o "puntos de daño". "puntos de salud" is for units and
> "puntos de daño" is for buildings. The problem is that the string of
> "hitpoints" is the same for units and buildings, and "Health points" for a
> building is an absurd :P.
> I have seen the problem with "puntos de daño" button. There is no other way
> for translate hitpoints than "puntos de salud" or "puntos de daño", what can
> we do?
> I will translate the Globulation Manual and later the Tutorial.
> Kind Regards :)
> 2009/2/26 Leo Wandersleb <leo.wanders...@gmx.de>
>> Hi Adrian,
>> I've added your translation to the upstream version of glob2 and
>> Adrian <enarxe at gmail dot com>
>> to the authors.txt
>> If you want you can give me your full name for that.
>> Kind Regards
>> Leo
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