In a message dated: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 10:59:36 EST
"Derek D. Martin" said:

>> Can you relate this to my "supercalifragilisticexpeialidocious"
>> example before? 
>Vim can do command completion, but I'm not sure about searching
>buffers/files for text insertion completion.  OTOH, from what I've
>seen thusfar, Bram seems to be making every effort to see that vim has
>all the same cool editing tricks that Emacs has, so I wouldn't be
>surprised if it could...

Everyone seems to be mis-interpreting what Kevin meant.  Note: He was 
not talking about command completion.  The "supercalifragilisticexpeialidocious"
example refers to word completion in the *edit* buffer.  For example,
if I had previously typed the word "supercalifragilisticexpeialidocious"
in the edit buffer, I don't want to have to ever type that again.
Emacs has the ability to not only create an alias for that word, but 
to perform auto-completion of the possible words I might type.

So, if I'm typing along, and I begin typing the word "su", it might
auto-complete uptil 'super' for me.  But if I continue typing past 
'super' and type 'superc' it will auto-complete
"supercalifragilisticexpeialidocious" for me.  Again, this is *not* a 
command, but an auto-completion *within* the edit buffer of any given 
file.  Addionally, (if I'm not mistaken) this auto-completion will 
carry over to other buffers I may be editing.

Kev, please correct me if I'm wrong about any of this.

Oh, also, do not confuse this auto-completion feature with the 
'alias' feature which lets you define aliases for various words.
The two are completely different.

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