On Mon, Nov 18, 2002 at 11:01:58AM -0500, Derek D. Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At some point hitherto, Bob Bell hath spake thusly:
> >     It would work with once instance of vim working of multiple buffers.
> > I don't think you can complete from any arbitrary running vim process
> > (that just doesn't seem vim-like), though you can point vim to another
> > file for completion, such as /usr/dict/*, or another specific file you
> > are working on.  See ':help complete' in Vim.
> Cool!  Not that I'm likely to remember how to use this feature...
> I figure by the time I type all the keystrokes to do the completion, I
> prolly could just as easily have typed the word...

    In practice, its very easy.  I know some people who barely type
anymore.  For instance, if I hit "ke^P", I get "keystrokes", referencing
the quoted text from your email.  It's actually very easy to use with
just the default configuration.

    I just discovered ^X^L today, which lets me complete a whole line of
text.  I've already started using it.

 "Time's fun when you're having flies."
   -- Kermit the Frog 
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