On Thu, 2002-12-26 at 18:10, Travis Roy wrote:
> > So, I'm looking for alternatives.  We're in the middle of a 
> > great DSL topic, which I'm watching carefully, but can anyone 
> > speak to DSL service in Nashua?  I'm sure that there are a 
> > lot of data-only cable subscribers who'll be looking to jump 
> > away from AT&T now that they've gotten even greedier.
> Yah, it sucks.. No to mention they changed the upstream from 368k to
> 255k and didn't tell ANYBODY about it, it just happened.

That would explain a few things with my IP phone, it was humming
along fine, and got flaky a month or two back.

> > On a related topic, anyone know if other companies can use
> > the cable system as a last mile delivery mechanism, or is 
> > this part of their monopoly?
> You can get Earthlink service over cable, but it costs the same ammount.
> When DSL first started popping up I wouldn't go near it, way to flakey,
> lots of friends with problems.. But with anything new it got better. I'm
> VERY happy with my DSL and would never switch back unless of course I
> moved to far away from a CO to get DSL. 

Actually, it's $49.95, which is $10 a month cheaper than AT&T service on
the same lines.

> And my usual plug for MV, they're local, small, good, and they leave you
> the hell alone :)

Ya, I'd love to give them the business, but they're just not price
competitive with DSL.  Their website shows $100 for 1.5/384, compared
to Covad's $70/mo for the same service.  

I telecommute, so the speed's important.  I don't move a lot of data,
but when I do, I don't want to site around waiting.  Time's money.

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