I have been on the Dish Network competive system (Starband). I can refer
you to another person that is a current user of DirecWay. I dropped the
service after about 1 year of use, back in about January 2002.

The technology underlying all TCP connections is propriatary, and though I
reverse engineered it for a while, they kept changing aspects of it,
effectively making non win32 systems nearly-impossible to use as the
gateway host. If you are willing to use a win32 system as your TCP proxy
host, then you can get adequate behavior.

Note, physics tells us that the packet latency through a satelite like
those use for DirecWay is no better then 500ms. If you play games or do
alot of interactive (ie ssh) work, consider if you would find that
behavior tollerable.

All of the above said, I have a Starband dish, LNB and modem available to
the highest bidder ;-)

- Marc

On Fri, 27 Dec 2002, Bayard R. Coolidge wrote:

> Further update on DirecWay...
> Yeah, you guessed it - Microsloth only - FAQ specifically
> rules out Mac's, and doesn't even mention Linux. *sigh*
> Sorry about that - well, it's good for a laugh, anyway...
> Bayard
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