On Monday, June 2, 2003, at 07:59 PM, Travis Roy wrote:

Okay, I see a lot of this stuff about showing what code was copied.. Isnt'
this a patent issue? If that's the case it doesn't matter if the code is
copied, it only matters if it does the same thing. That's the way patents

Even if somebody on the other side of the country working totally on their
own and never seeing or knowing about an exsiting patent comes up with an
idea that's already patented then they still violate the patent regardless
of how they came about it.

For example.. Amazon's 1-Click (doesn't matter if you think it's lame or
not for the sake of this argument). If Amazone coded it in Perl and you
code it in PHP and never saw one letter of Amazon's code if your PHP code
does the same thing that Amazon's 1-Click code does then you're in
violation of the patent.

So then, wouldn't that suggest that Linux is doomed from the start? I mean, essentially it's intended to be a Unix-like OS? Reproducing function using a different implementation?


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