Reminds me of the erstwhile 'Carmen's Chicken' that was a literal 'chicken shack' in East Kingston at a juncture of 107 and 108. All they served was fried chicken (w/fries, onion rings, etc.) no hamburgers or even hotdogs. It was there for many years and just recently was bulldozed. I don't know what happened to the business, but, it was a unique part of non-homogenized America that is now lost. Anyone on this list know what happened to Carmens?


Erik Price wrote:

Jason Stephenson wrote:

Entirely OT, I want to add that if you've never had real, southern fried chicken or ckicken fried in a pressure cooker, then you haven't had fried chicken. It's best, of course, if the bird was raised free range. The industrial stuff that you generally find in your supermarket has no flavor. Fried turkey is pretty gol'danged good, too. :-)

I'm not big on fried food but I'd try it if it was authentic the way you describe.

I've only had the stuff from the KFC at the Simoneau plaza in Nashua.


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